Prevent homelessness and hunger in our community.

We first want to thank you for all your support of ULAN during these past few months. ULAN has worked throughout the entirety of the pandemic and offered families hope and stability while facing the uncertainty of COVID-19.
ULAN has served over 16,000 families since March 2020 and will continue to serve more families during these difficult times. ULAN's main goal throughout this and our new motto is focusing on keeping families stable; family stability for both our union brothers and sisters and our community members.
Your donation makes a big difference in our community. Thank you so much for all the support.
Since its inception in 1995, the United Labor Agency of Nevada has provided assistance to individuals and families facing an unexpected hardship. We provide rental, utility, and hunger assistance to individuals along with extensive case management to prepare the client with a plan of long term financial self-sufficiency.
We are proud of the work we do and hope to continue to assist individuals in need. In order to do this, we rely on the generosity of donors like yourself to keep our programs operational.